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WATCH: Jim Jordan Slams Democrats Running Major Cities, What He Says Will Shock You! (VIDEO)

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

By The Scoop December 4, 2020 Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) raised concerns about rising violent crime that is coinciding with Democrats pushing to defund the police. Rep. Jordan also pointed out the potential danger in blanket releasing prisoners regardless of crime. Rep. Jim Jordan asked the Director of the U.S. Marshall Service, “Director... »

Posted in Government Evil | 4 Comments »

“I’m Just Not Buying It” – Jeff Gundlach Raises Questions About COVID Vaccine’s ‘95%’ Efficacy Rate

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by Tyler Durde Sat, 12/05/2020 As Dr. Fauci walks back criticisms of Britain’s decision to grant emergency approval to the Pfzier-BioNTech – something Dr. Fauci characterized as “rushed” earlier this week before receiving the proverbial kick under the table – and Pfizer cuts its 2020 vaccine delivery target due to issues with ‘raw... »

Posted in Conspiracy, Corruption, Government Evil, Health | 10 Comments »

Franchise Relations Deteriorate As Pandemic Wreaks Havoc On Small Business

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by Tyler Durden Sat, 12/05/2020 According to a new WSJ report, the virus pandemic has unleashed enormous stress, destroying the cozy relationships between franchisees and executives at burger chains, hotels, and other types of shops. WSJ’s Micah Maidenberg and Heather Haddon outline how the virus-induced downturn in the economy has led store owners... »

Posted in Economics, Food Wars, Pandemic | 4 Comments »

5 Ways Americans Could Be “Encouraged” to Get a Covid Vaccine

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by Daisy Luther December 5, 2020 As Pfizer and Moderna both rush a vaccine to market to fight the Covid-19 virus, will promises of returning to “normal” be enough to persuade people to take the quickly developed injection? This article isn’t about persuading you one way or the other about whether you should... »

Posted in Civil Unrest, Health | 8 Comments »

California Sheriff Slams Gov. Newsom’s ‘Dictatorial’ Lockdowns, Won’t Be ‘Blackmailed, Bullied Or Used As Muscle’ To Enforce

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by Tyler Durden Sat, 12/05/2020 The sheriff of California’s fourth-largest county has slammed Gov. Gavin Newsom over the most recent COVID-19 lockdown orders, and says that his department won’t be “blackmailed, bullied or used as muscle” against residents during the pandemic, after they were told “there was a potential he would be withholding... »

Posted in Civil Unrest | No Comments »

Michigan poll observer testifies: “Xerox copies” of military ballots all had votes for Biden

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by: Ramon Tomey Saturday, December 05, 2020 A poll observer during the recent elections said she saw numerous military ballots with votes cast for Joe Biden that looked like “Xerox copies.” The poll observer who called herself “Patty” told lawmakers during a Dec. 1 Michigan State Senate hearing at Lansing: “Military ballots looked... »

Posted in Communists, Conspiracy, Corruption, Government Evil | 7 Comments »

Leaked video claiming fake ballots were ordered from communist China goes viral

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by: Ethan Huff Saturday, December 05, 2020 A new video from GNews would appear to show fake ballots being ordered from communist China just prior to the 2020 election, adding fuel to the fires of election fraud allegations. The video depicts two men speaking with one another over the phone in Mandarin Chinese... »

Posted in China, Communists, Conspiracy, Corruption, Government Evil, Politics | 5 Comments »

U.K. announces that passports will soon include vaccine stamps

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by: Ethan Huff Saturday, December 05, 2020 By the time 2021 rolls around, Brits who wish to travel by air will have to show that they have been vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). This was the announcement that came from the Department for Transport, a U.K. agency that has decided to require... »

Posted in Brave New World, Government Evil, Police State, World Politics | 5 Comments »

Situation Update – Dec. 4th – Offensive cyber warfare mechanisms activated, election outcome now bending toward national defense scenario

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

by: Mike Adams Friday, December 04, 2020 Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 4th) has been published and is linked below. Note that thanks to the rapidly unfolding post-election situation in America, we will be publishing updates on both Saturday and Sunday, so check back for those. This particular update discusses some of the... »

Posted in Civil War II, Communists, Conspiracy, Corruption, Government Evil, New World Order | No Comments »

Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have “Freedom to Move Around”

Saturday, December 5th, 2020

Suggests those who don’t take the shot will have to wear masks. Paul Joseph Watson 4 December, 2020 Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer says that those who refuse to take the COVID vaccine won’t have “freedom to move around” and will have to continue to wear masks. Dr. David Williams was asked if he... »

Posted in Communists, Government Evil, Martial Law | 2 Comments »

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