Michigan poll observer testifies: “Xerox copies” of military ballots all had votes for Biden

Saturday, December 5, 2020
By Paul Martin

by: Ramon Tomey
Saturday, December 05, 2020

A poll observer during the recent elections said she saw numerous military ballots with votes cast for Joe Biden that looked like “Xerox copies.” The poll observer who called herself “Patty” told lawmakers during a Dec. 1 Michigan State Senate hearing at Lansing: “Military ballots looked like they were all exactly the same Xerox copies of the ballot. They were all for Biden across the board; there wasn’t a single Trump vote.”

“Patty” also testified that “none of the voters [who cast the military ballots were] registered.” Election workers had to manually type in names, addresses and a birth date of 1/1/2020, which the observer claimed “would override the system” and permit entry of non-registered voters.

Aside from the irregularities in military ballots, the poll watcher with nine years’ experience also experienced unequal treatment from election officers at Detroit’s TCF Center. She told lawmakers that election officials would tell her and other Republican poll observers “no” whenever the GOP watchers would challenge the process, and even alleged that election officials told them to “take a break” when military ballots came in.

“There were lots of agitators at the TCF Center … [working on] behalf of the Democratic Party,” “Patty” claimed. She continued that while GOP poll watchers were told to “go upstairs” to eat, the agitators and Democrat poll watchers got food brought in – and even ate on the same floor where the votes are counted.

The witness provided no other details, and none of the lawmakers in the hearing from both parties disputed her testimony. Meanwhile, the office of State Secretary Jocelyn Benson has not responded to a request for comment on the matter.

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson insists the vote fraud allegations are baseless despite the presence of witnesses

The Rest…HERE

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