Senator McConnell and Justice Roberts Are Aiding and Abetting Voter Fraud Against Trump As B of A and the Post Office Prepare for Martial Law

Friday, December 18, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Friday, December 18, 2020

Is America going to war? Is Trump going to invoke the Insurrection Act? Or, as one of my main deep cover sources has stated, Trump is going to war with China and then invoke the Insurrection Act.

This is the first of a two part series. In Part One of this series, I will be laying foundation for the fact that something dramatic is coming and one of the above-listed three possibilities is very likely.

It can be said with certainty there are a growing number of anomalies that are appearing both in our government, and around the nation and they are all indicative of the fact that events are already in play that Trump is certainly not viewing himself as a lame duck President.

Why Is Bank of America Rehearsing Their Communications Systems Which Is An

Announcement for a Banking Shutdown?

Please refer to the text message serving as the story photo for this article. This is a text from Bank of America to some of its customers.


Might you know what this is about?


Why would the B of A suspend financial banking services? I have consulted with banking sources and here are the answers that I received:

1.Bank of America knows that a bank run is going to occur and they are beta testing their text messaging system with the notification of a suspension of services.
2.A bank run could be due to an economic collapse, but none is foreseen in the near future.
3.A disaster is headed the United States way and a bank run is anticipated and this message was a beta test indicating an anticipated bank run due to circumstances. Bank of America would be shutting down in order to prevent a bank run.

In the case of #3, one would have to ask themselves what would trigger a shut down? Certainly a war, an anticipated natural disaster and the outbreak of civil war would fit the disaster scenario. Regardless of the reason, it is clear that Bank of America is rehearsing for a disaster scenario.


Post Office Document Reveals that Martial Law Is Right Around the Corner

Additionally, I am in possession of a document issued to key USPS personnel which allows them to cross roadblocks in times of an imposed national emergency. Originally, I was given the document with permission to publish. However, as the document was being vetted, we discovered a code in the document and I am afraid that the person’s identity would be compromised if we published. Subsequently, I have chosen not to publish this document at this time pending an assessment risk. However, I can state, with absolute certainty, that this document is authentic and certainly the Post Office is anticipating the imposition of martial law.

The Rest…HERE

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