Would a Racist, Pedophile, Child Trafficker, Drug-Dealing Traitor Hesitate to Use Food As a Weapon?

Thursday, October 29, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Thursday, October 29, 2020

As I watch, the crimes of commission of the Biden crime family, I am shocked at the totality of the crimes. To date this is what we know about Godfather Joe:

1.Sold his influence to Ukraine, Russia and China and several other locations
2.Trafficked in children which helps us to understand Joe’s the little girls used to play with my curly leg hairs… and I love to have kids in my lap comment.
3.Godfather Joe’s son, Prince Hunter, sold F-35 technology to China and delivered it on Air Force ONE, to Wuhan. Alexandra Daley and myself believe that the manufactured virus was on board as well.
4.God Father Joe took bribes to compromise national security with China and Russia.
5.The recent wave of disclosures have failed to mention his part in illegal arms sales around the world to terrorists and dictators. The CSS discovered this in 2017.
6.It is beginning to surface that God Father Joe was partnered with the business interests of the mainstream media in dealing with Chinese as he Godfather and Prince Hunter sold out the national security of the United States.
7.There is more that is going to surface including a prostitution ring that serviced world leaders and top corporate executives. This begs the question, when does the connection to Epstein and Maxwell surface? It will, but probably and unfortunately not until after the election.
8.After losing his wife to a car accident, Godfather Joe marries the babysitter (ie Jill Biden).
9.And can we ignore the diary of the youngest daughter that implicated Godfather Joe in years-long sexual abuse of his daughter? I am just wondering if mama Jill was babysitting the daughter as well?
10.Could the Biden crime family possibly be a subsidiary of the Clinton Foundation?

Does anyone doubt that a Godfather, Dementia-laden pervert ever sanction what the Democrats, if they successfully steal the election, would ever use food as a weapon. The conditions are right due to the following:

The food supply chain is disrupted
America’s meat packing plants are close and this led to the slaughter of cows and chickens.
Much of America’s farmland is damaged due to severe weather which happened over the past two year

Was Henry Kissinger was only kidding when he stated the Following?

The Rest…HERE

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