Deep Cover Sources Reveal Intelligence Information That Indicate Four Assassination Teams Have Been Dispatched to Take the Life of the President
Dave Hodges
Saturday, October 3, 2020
Following a discovered plot against JFK, obtained by undercover Miami PD detectives nine days before the assassination, JFK was kept on the move, until the fateful day, 10 days later, in Dallas. President Trump is being kept on the move, do not believe the media reports as to his real location, and this is being done to keep Trump from suffering the same fate as JFK.
Steve Quayle and myself have information obtained from different sources that four assassination teams have been dispatched to take the life of the President because the Deep State has determined that he will be victorious in the election. Steve Quayle and myself do not have many of the same sources, but our independently obtained information matches perfectly.
Yesterday on the CSS, the following was published:
“Are there recent events which could trigger a COG protocol and require the President to physically participate in such an activity? There are several candidates, all of which could trigger a COG response:
1.Impending war with China is a distinct possibility. There are many ancillary factors that could serve to support this notion.
2.The unleashing of what I have previously called the TET Offensive of terrorism.
3.Impending war with both Russia and China.
4.5.Incoming asteroid(s).
A Deep-State initiated coup against the President.
6.A defined series, not just one, assassination attempts being launched against the President.”
This was published before the CSS received multiple accounts of how the positive CV-19 diagnosis of FLOTUS and POTUS was actually a cover story connected to a series of dire and direct threats upon the President. The CV-19 diagnosis may be real and it may not be. However, this diagnosis, real or not, is the cover story being used to keep the President on the move.Why? Because his life is in extreme jeopardy.
Of the six possibilities listed above for the COG protocols being activated a month ago, assassination has jumped to the head of the list.
The Rest…HERE