Red Alert! The Killing of the Constitution Has Left YOU Defenseless-You Are Next!!!
by Dave Hodges
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Have you come to the realization that you have no rights? Your government has been overthrown and the Republican chicken bleepers in Congress have let it happen because so many are on the take in one form or another. Oh, you don’t think so? Do you have free health care for life for you and your dependents? They do. Insider trading is allowed for Congress, you will go to jail. I could go on, but you get the idea.
The Bill Of Rights Is Dead On Arrival
Two weeks ago, Federal District Court Judge Dever said there is no pandemic exception to the Constitution. However, it has not worked out that way.
One surface examination of the Bill of Rights will tell America just how far we, as a people have fallen.
What’s the matter Dave? Are you finally coming to the conclusion that blood must be spilled as our last and ONLY possible solution to take our country back? You should have been saying it more than a year ago. Keeping quiet and remaining politically correct didn’t pan out for you…did it? You’re on your own now. Good luck.