COVID-19 Mutation That’s “10 Times More Infectious” Than The Original Discovered In Malaysia

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/17/2020

The English-language press is generally no fan of Philippines’ pseudo-‘Strongman’ Rodrigo Duterte (half of the Americans who know who he is probably mistakenly believe him to be an autocrat due to the general tone of the coverage, although he was Democratically elected). Nonetheless, they’ve begrudgingly given him credit for his military-imposed lockdowns, and for reimposing the restrictive measures in and around Manila. Still, none of this has stopped Southeast Asia’s biggest outbreak from clearly still has a long way to go to bring COVID-19 to heel.

And as South Korea is showing us right now, the virus can be surprisingly difficult to eradicate completely, just one more reason why the world needs to find a more sustainable way to live with COVID-19, rather than resorting to lockdowns as the only tool in the kit.

But there’s one variable that could upend all of this thinking, and effectively force all vulnerable populations into strict lockdown mode: that would be a mutation that causes it to become even more deadly. As Dr. Fauci once warned, mutations could make the virus more virulent and more infectious, and there’s already some evidence that certain strains of the virus are much deadlier than others.


One Response to “COVID-19 Mutation That’s “10 Times More Infectious” Than The Original Discovered In Malaysia”

  1. SF Mo

    Malaysia Maintains D614G Coronavirus Strain 10 Times More Contagious In Lab KUALA LUMPUR, August 18 — The Ministry of Health (MOH) today said its quick and precise intervention managed to control the spread of D614G, which it described as an aggressive and contagious coronavirus strain.

    According to Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah, the mutated virus in the lab is almost 10 times more infectious than the usual coronavirus.


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