The 7 most likely communism “conditioning” events you should expect next from the insane Democrats and the corrupt CDC

Thursday, August 13, 2020
By Paul Martin

by: S.D. Wells
Thursday, August 13, 2020

With or without Trump in office, expect the Democrats, who are led by communists now disguised as socialists, to continue installing all of the following communist-style rules and laws across America, by first “conditioning” the masses with lighter punishment. This will all develop into tyrannical nightmares for ultimately a communist-style, perpetual police-state America. Democrat governors, as well as most Democrat mayors, are already “all in.”

For the full flip from capitalism to despotism to unravel and really take root in America, citizens must lose all respect for themselves and give up all power, then literally vote all of this into place out of fear and “hope” for change (think Obama and Soros here). Folks, the “New Normal” is really screwed up. Here’s how it will go quickly from bad to much worse.

Top 7 ways all Americans are being “conditioned” for communism by the left


One Response to “The 7 most likely communism “conditioning” events you should expect next from the insane Democrats and the corrupt CDC”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    Fox won’t touch the “2” white kids killed by blacks in last few weeks … but they “do” cover this …


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