Duke University may abolish their campus security and allow women to be raped because “policing is inherently rooted in white supremacy”
by: Lance D Johnson
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
The Black Coalition Against Policing is now demanding that Duke University abolish their campus police and cut all ties with local police. The fringe coalition believes “policing is inherently rooted in white supremacy” and cannot be reformed.
The fringe group is not alone. They are joined by over fifty other campus groups including the Asian American Alliance, the Black Law Students Association, the National Pan Hellenic Council and the Pre-Veterinary society. Over 1,000 students, alumni and community members have signed a petition demanding an end to campus security.
Taking it a step further, the fringe coalition demands that Duke cut all ties to law enforcement or any system of policing that uses prisons. The Black Coalition Against Policing forbids Duke from calling the Durham Police Department and demands that the university cut ties with private security contractors. They also want Duke to cut off any communication with the Department of Homeland Security and Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
“Policing is rooted in white supremacy and cannot be reformed,” they wrote, calling on Duke to support a system that “seeks to heal and rebuild our communities from generations of systemic violence.”
Without campus law enforcement, women will have nowhere to turn to when sexually assaulted
According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), 11.2 percent of all students, graduate and undergraduate, experience rape or sexual assault through physical force, violence, or incapacitation. Roughly 4.2 percent of students experience stalking. A shocking 23.1 percent of undergraduate women experience some form of sexual assault. Many cases go unreported because they fear their assailant; only 20 percent of female student victims, age 18-24, report to law enforcement.
Where will women turn if the Black Coalition Against Policing has convinced Duke to cut off any communication with law enforcement? Women who have been sexually assaulted will have no one to turn to, as their abuser goes free.
Duke University Police Department, do you even understand what you’re up against?
Duke University Police Department Chief John Dailey told the student newspaper: “The campus police has the same goal as others—a safe and just community that allows Duke University to provide education, research and healthcare that helps the world. Being open to listening, to understanding and to changing for the good of Duke is central to what we do.”
Even though the Duke University Police Department wants to work with the extremist, racially-charged students, the Black Coalition Against Policing is not looking to be understood or to understand. They aren’t looking for police reforms. They want to ban ALL law enforcement from campus, to terminate policing altogether and brand it as a racist institution. They are motivated by race, calling law enforcement a “white supremacist” group. These left-wing anarchists want to do away with the rule of law and get whatever they want, with no accountability – setting the stage for rampant abuse of women, theft and mob rule.
In their letter to Duke, the Black Coalition Against Policing was clear about their racial intent and their desire to terminate law and order: “Reformist policies often legitimize racist systems in the first place by asserting that the stems of the issue can be amended without addressing the root cause. Thus, we as a collective are not interested in reformist ideals.”
Duke University Police Department, do you even understand what you’re up against?
As Mr. Burns would say on The Simpsons … “excellent … excellent.”
Just don’t go to Florida …