Leaders of the domestic terrorist network “BLM” say orange man and white man must die
by: S.D. Wells
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Young leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement, a.k.a. the Domestic Terrorist Network, say the police in America today are no different than the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). In other words, the police are hanging Blacks, burning down their churches, and starting riots to keep slavery in place. Sure. Then, BLM representatives and spokespeople claim racism thrives on capitalism, a free market society, where anyone can start their own business.
Sure. Therefore, according to BLM, we must all recognize that there is one common enemy – and that is most obviously, the White man. Kill Whitey and there will be peace and equality on Earth. Great mission statement.
Let’s review: White man bad and orange man bad. All White people bad. Deserve nothing. Must be destroyed! All police bad. All prisons, bad. All borders, bad. All businesses bad. All landowners, racists. This is their platform folks. This is the best Black Lives Matter has to offer the world. Never forget it. BLM leaders are saying White men must die for their sins of owning things and being successful, and Donald J. Trump is White. Can you say treason without touching your covid mask?
Plus, there’s more ignorance in the whole Domestic Terrorist Network’s mission statement. You see, BLM is “all in” for Palestine, making sure they are still “on the map,” because for some reason BLM believes they are being erased from all smart media. BLM wants us all to realize there are still starving children in Yemen, a tiny country in Western Asia. All of those issues are due to white men. Wake up, can’t you smell the slave-trade-coffee brewing?
In Democrat-run cities of America, if you started a business, turned that business into a huge success, you are the enemy that must be destroyed
The young adults of this modern era have been so brainwashed by the media, they actually believe that killing white people is justice for them not being wealthy, even though they haven’t done anything to even try to become wealthy. Sure, corporations are evil, like the ones these young Leftist and anarchist adults are funded by to protest violently, but there are plenty of businesses and companies all over America that function for the betterment of mankind, selling healthy foods, supplements, natural medicine, legal guns and first aid gear, just for starters.
Here’s a spokesperson for BLM UK who thinks all White people are “the one common enemy” …
Do they all deserve to be destroyed, businesses and children too, whether they’re white or black or blue? Tell us again your stance, because it seems to us sane people you don’t have one. The will NOT to go to a job must be so much stronger than the will to just work hard, work smart, save money, have a nice life.
These folks are willing to be hired by the evil corporations they hate, while they wear clothing those corporations sell, to destroy businesses of the Black people they claim to support, all in the name of some liberal theme they don’t even support themselves. How is hating all White people any different than if you really are a racist and hate all Black people?
Intersectionality is the Black Lives Matter ‘code word’ for kill Whitey
In London, BLM leaders are pressing for everyone to kill the rich, especially the White rich folks. Literally murder them in the name of equality, social justice, and peace. Sure. These same hypocritical, ignorant members of the Domestic Terrorist Network (BLM) preach that the USA is a patriarchy, meaning only men have power and predominate roles of political leadership.
Is that why Nancy Pelosi leads all the Democrats? Is that why Hillary Clinton is untouchable, even though she’s guilty of treason? A patriarchy also means only men own property, so what about the hundred million homeowners who are women, with their names on the deed to prove it? Millions of those women are also Black, so you were saying? You’ve been debunked, you morons.
These millennial nerds and sophomoric clowns also believe Google and Apple have deleted “Palestine” from their smart device maps. That’s like trying to look up the U.S. state of Washington D.C., and then claiming conspiracy theory because you can’t find it anywhere. Dude, it’s not a state. Still, the pressure is intense from Israel and America, right? So intense you have to kill White people out of “peaceful protest.”
These are little pro-fascist Nazi clowns who think they’re politically correct and socially justified to say all Jews and Whites must die to save the world. One motivated speaker literally said the following, “Don’t let no Jewish man create a way to be unheard, to make you unheard. Silence is violence. If we keep silent, we are also a part of that oppression.”
So make up your own mind: Who has you chained and tortured daily? Is it white men, Jewish people, Black cops, or female land owners? We’re confused. Please clarify.
Wow…talk about sophomoric, don’t waste your time reading this.