Democrat Governor Of Michigan Uses Emergency Alert System To Dictate Mask Wearing

Thursday, July 16, 2020
By Paul Martin

“Business must refuse entry or service to those who do not wear a face covering.”

Steve Watson
16 July, 2020

Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has come under fire for using the State’s emergency alert system to order residents to wear face masks.

The IPAWSCAP, or Integrated Public Alert Warning System, sent out thousands of messages to cell phones Monday afternoon ‘alerting’ people that it is compulsory that they were face masks in public.

The message read:

From the Governor’s Office: Fight COVID by wearing a mask. Michiganders are REQUIRED by executive order to wear face coverings in public indoor and crowded outdoor spaces. Business must refuse entry or service to those who do not wear a face covering (with limited exceptions). More info:

Whitmer previously issued an executive order requiring residents to wear face coverings while in public.

The use of the system to mandate has wearing has been criticised, and GOP lawmakers are set to introduce legislation to limit what the alert system can be used for, according to reports.

“This is an overt abuse of a service designed to alert people of legitimate emergencies — the governor has gone beyond the scope and intent of the law and is now somewhere over the rainbow and approaching Oz,” said Sen. Peter Lucido in a statement.

Whitmer previously used the alert system in March, taking over television stations to issue a “Michigan coronavirus emergency alert broadcast” lockdown order:

Whitmer was also criticised recently for joining Black Lives Matter protesters in the streets after lecturing small businesses for weeks to stay shut down.

Whitmer also called small business owners “racist” and “neo Nazis” for protesting her lockdown orders.

In response to criticizing Whitmer’s hypocritical excessive lockdown orders, conservative firebrand Candace Owens was recently suspended from Twitter.

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