Tennessee Prep School Ending Annual George Washington Celebration: “Not Relevant”

Tuesday, June 23, 2020
By Paul Martin

The annual George Washington Celebration is being cancelled.

By Richard Moorhead
Jun 23, 2020

A Tennessee women’s prep school is ending its tradition of a yearly George Washington celebration, turning its back on the founding father and first American President by cancelling the event.

The yearly celebration of Washington’s birthday is a tradition of the Harpeth Hall prep school in Nashville, Tennessee, that dates back to 1913.

Jess Hill, the head of the school, explained the institution’s decision to end the tradition in an email to the Tennessee Star. She asserts that the Washington birthday celebration “is not consistent with or relevant to the way that we teach history today,” “does not demonstrate the significant role that women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups play in our nation’s history,” and that “A growing number of students, faculty, staff, and alumnae are expressing their discomfort with this tradition.”

Some students and faculty of the private prep school had apparently been agitating against the continuation of the Washington birthday event for some time.

The tradition began when students of the school put on a social event intended to reenact the lives of the founding fathers, such as Washington. The final iteration of the event has taken place in February 2020, and there’s a possibility that the event will be replaced with an substitution holiday to celebrate liberalism.

Rioters in Baltimore also defaced a statue of the first U.S. President over the weekend, vandalizing the image of the President with the words “destroy racists” written in red paint.

The founding fathers and iconic Presidents of the United States no longer have a place in ‘polite’ society according to the affluent cultural elite, instead opting to replace the great men with a stifling culture of political correctness and cultural authoritarianism.

One Response to “Tennessee Prep School Ending Annual George Washington Celebration: “Not Relevant””

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    What dummy excuse of parents would still be paying them and keeping their kids there ?


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