Crazy Woman Who Banned Her State from Buying Seeds and Punished Barbers Now Wants a Bailout from Trump

Monday, June 22, 2020
By Paul Martin

By Jim Hoft
June 22, 2020

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer is famous for her tyrannical rule, her blind ambition, and her raw hatred for those who disagree with her.

In March crazed Democrat Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer prohibited big box retailers from in-person sale of seeds because according to her, plant seeds were non-essential.

Whitmer also called on Home Depot and Lowes to close off certain sections like flooring, garden centers and plant nurseries.

In late March Michigan Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer limited access of doctors from prescribing the lifesaving drugs hydroxychloroquine and Z-Paks to save senior citizens in the state from Coronavirus. Then she continued to send coronavirus patients to nursing homes. This is still happening in May!

And the far left governor banned motorboats and jet skis but canoes and sailboats were acceptable.

This woman is drunk with power.

Whitmer took to the streets last week and marched with Black Lives Matter while Michigan was still under a Coronavirus lockdown order.

She encouraged leftists to protest in the streets while telling small businesses and churches they must remain closed because of the Coronavirus.

Earlier this month, the tyrannical governor joined the radical call to “defund the police.”

Now Whitmer wants President Trump to give her a bailout.


During her press conference, the governor listed the amount of money the state has spent in fighting COVID-19. She said the state has more than $436 million fighting COVID-19 in the past 10 weeks, which is money the state wasn’t planning on spending when the budget was set a year ago, on top of the $3 billion the state has already lost in tax revenue.

The governor said there is no way to cut spending enough to fill the estimated $6 billion hole over the next two years. She called on the federal government to come together to help Michigan and other states facing budget challenges. Under the current federal cares act, states can’t use federal aid money to pay for things that were in the budget before the pandemic started.

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