BLM at War with America

Saturday, June 20, 2020
By Paul Martin

By Lloyd Marcus
June 20, 2020

Outrageously, cowardly and traitorous politicians are allowing Black Lives Matter, a racist hate group to engage in an “Everything Must Go” fire-sale against America. BLM is literally pulling down monuments and demanding that large portions of our history be removed from the records. They are burning down homes which dare fly the U.S. flag. They are taking control of portions of cities, absurdly claiming it as their new country. Why is BLM behaving like spoiled-brat bullies on America’s playground? The answer: Because they are allowed to do it.

My stomach turned watching Tucker Carlson on Fox News cite a Rasmussen poll which says Black Lives Matter has 62% popularity, more than President Trump. I remembered a bit of wisdom my brother gave me years ago. He said whenever something shocking happens, before you respond, stabilize your emotions. Despite the depressing poll, over a million people sought tickets to attend Trump’s rally in Tulsa. Also, a Rasmussen poll says 40% of likely black voters approve of Trump’s job performance.

Fake news media is so despicable and obviously agenda driven. Here’s a NYT headline, “Trump’s Rally in Tulsa Could Spread Virus.” Meanwhile, the NYT and the rest of fake news media are encouraging anarchists to flood our streets with protesters with zero concern about spreading the virus.

What is so frustrating is that BLM is an extreme racist and anti-American hate group. Years ago, BLM declared war on cops and white people. They marched down a NY street chanting, “What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now!”

Folks, how can any American in their right mind support these haters, paid to assassinate cops and whites and destroy our country? Long before the George Floyd incident, BLM was paid $150 million by George Soros and various anti-American liberal corporations and foundations.

“Accessory before the fact” is a legal term referring to a person who incites or assists someone to commit a crime. BLM is physically destroying businesses, assaulting, and murdering people. Can victims of BLM file lawsuits against major corporations who are eagerly donating millions to the domestic terrorist hate group?

Hateful extreme leftists are dominating the airwaves with intellectual sounding nonsense in praise of BLM. They claim America always has been and always will be irreversibly racist. They say the solution is to tear up and rewrite the U.S. Constitution. Folks, this is hogwash!

The Rest…HERE

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