Should Defeated Americans Adopt a New Path of Adaptation?

Wednesday, June 17, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Should Defeated Americans Now Adopt the Path of Adaptation?

3 Responses to “Should Defeated Americans Adopt a New Path of Adaptation?”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    You’re a decent guy in heart … but just too much of a pussy to be advising sheeple. ADAPT ? Are you serious. The founders would at the very least slap the crap out of you. Perhaps you need some of those energy supplements from Infowars ???

    You SEE the writing on the wall. You’re INFORMED more than 80 % of sheeple. You KNOW restructuring America is the ONLY solution – our section being a bigger better 2nd Confederacy.

    Yet you continue to advise to kiss ass.

    Take a vacation. Rethink your hobby. Come back a founder … or join Huffington Post. Adapt.


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