Escape from New York or is it “Escape from Seattle?” New Democrat “Autonomous Zone” resembles scenes from fiction movies

Tuesday, June 16, 2020
By Paul Martin

by: S.D. Wells
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Who’s to blame for the fall of Seattle, the Russians or Trump? It looks like a war zone in there, and they’ve built up makeshift walls around the idiot-led autonomous zone, so are they now saying that walls work? Are they trying to keep immigrants from entering? Maybe they have young children in cages in there that are separated from their parents at the “border.” Actual intelligent Americans can’t figure out if this is a scene from the movie “Idiocracy” or “Escape from New York.” Maybe it’s a mix of both, where a dark and stupid warlord is running America and everybody is either starving to death or stuck in a huge anarchist prison that encompasses the entire downtown district. All the takeout food they bought got stolen by homeless people. Leading Democrats of America want the whole country to look like this violent, lawless, idiot-zone as soon as possible. That is the plan.

Will Kurt Russell “Escape from Seattle” Autonomous Prison Zone, or will he be killed bucking the new rule of law? The Seattle Mayor and Governor love the terror zone, offering their absolute support for BLM, Antifa, and anyone who wants to come there and scream for anarchy. Welcome to the United States of Autonomous Zones. This is what you get when you vote for Democrats. We go live now inside the decagon of the new U.S. autonomous zone in Seattle:

Democrat anarchist and rapist Warlord Raz Simone celebrates the Utopian Socialist Communist city grid of anarchy, homelessness and starvation

No police! No laws! Free money! Vegan Food! These are the demands of all Democrats in America, represented now by their new socialist leader in Seattle, who has risen to power out of nowhere, like a supernova, challenging the demented leadership of Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer.

As Warlord Raz Simone writes new rap songs about raping girls while spray painting graffiti on walls with the new socialist laws of America, all the believers bow down to him in the new idiot zone, just like Pelosi and Schumer who recently wore African tribal slave garb to promote enslaving Blacks around the world, while taking a Floyd knee, pretending to care about American Blacks’ plight.

Most Americans are brainwashed to believe that BLM (Black Lives Matter) is some peaceful organization that just wants equal rights for Black people, but they’re just about as bad as Antifa, rioting in the streets, looting, and beating down anyone who disagrees with them. This is what “no police” means to them. They get to steal, vandalize, rape and murder anyone they want to anytime they want to, as long as it’s in the name of justice, equality, and the autonomous zone – the new third world Democrat Capital of America.

Realize right now that Seattle is run by spineless Democrats who love the autonomous zone and all that it stands for. All Democrats in America want no borders, no police, free college, and 70 percent income tax to pay for it all, including fake climate change policy. Watering the crops with Gatorade (Idiocracy) doesn’t seem to be working out for some odd reason that the Democrats can’t figure out. Hail to President Camacho! The new leader of the United States of Autonomous Zones. Welcome to Seattle, Washington, 2020. We go live now inside the US autonomous zone, where President “Raz” Camacho speaks wisdom to his autonomous followers:

All of this staged idiocy while Democrat Governors still swear the lock down is necessary to fight coronavirus

Coronavirus is indeed the strangest and smartest virus to ever live on planet Earth. Have you heard how it spreads so mysteriously? It lurks in every school in America, especially the blue states, but it dies immediately at Home Depot. It wreaks havoc in churches and temples nationwide, and people who pray and believe in God are ultra-vulnerable; however, the virus is mind-boggling in the way that it vanishes when Democrat protesters stand close together holding signs.

Covid is probably infecting all the great citizens of the autonomous zone. Oh no. They may be safe though, because corona can’t spread when you buy and drink alcohol in America, that’s why all the liquor stores remained open while all “non-essential” businesses had to close. Strange also how Covid lives on footballs, basketballs and baseball bats, but dies on all the Walmart shopping carts. At least all the grocery store clerks are being super careful, not touching the bag you brought, while touching every product you chose and the cash you take out of your wallet or purse. So very common-sense of them and caring.

Let’s all be very careful when we go back to work, restaurants, small businesses, sporting events, and school in the fall, unless of course, the entire USA is one huge autonomous zone, where the virus dies instantly when you shout out “Black Lives Matter!”

Be sure to buy yourself some anti-virus African slave garb like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and wear it everywhere, and tune your internet dial to for updates on the viral spread of the autonomous zone. Isn’t Bill Gates a genius to release such a smart lab-made virus? What will he think of next?

Now listen to Tommy Vext explain exactly what Black Lives Matter is REALLY about, who owns it, who gets all the donations, and why they have so many American Blacks brainwashed to believe they’re supporting a valid cause (while all the donations directly pay for the political campaign costs of the psychotic Democrat front-runners for President).

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