After Trump declares Antifa a terrorist organization, the communist-funded radical Left will turn America into a battleground… here’s what happens next…( Well Done!!)

Sunday, May 31, 2020
By Paul Martin

by: Mike Adams
Sunday, May 31, 2020

Intelligence analysis from Mike Adams,, now 100% blacklisted by all communist-run techno-fascist platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google, all of which are working for China to destroy the United States of America. Due to censorship, you will only be able to share this story from the following URL:

Today, President Donald J. Trump announced his intention to designate Antifa — the radical left-wing violence instigators who are heavily involved in the spread of violent rioting across the nation — a terrorist organization.

“The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization,” he wrote on Twitter, the very platform now run by communist China that is censoring Trump and the American people while protecting Antifa terrorists and communist operators who are attempting to undermine the United States of America.

As a reminder, for America to be free, techno-fascists like Twitter must be completely shut down and their CEOs arrested and charged with treason. That may happen this year (see below)…

Following the president’s statement, Attorney General Bill Barr followed up with his own affirmation:

The violence instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly.

According to my sources, the word is going out via DHS that this terrorist designation is a real thing and is about to be put into place. Once in place, it will change everything.

We now put Trump’s re-election chances, if elections are even held, at 4 out of 5, given that America’s reaction against the violence and destruction of the Antifa left-wing looters will translate into far more votes for Trump than any Democrat.

Analysis highlights of what happens next:

The Rest…HERE

2 Responses to “After Trump declares Antifa a terrorist organization, the communist-funded radical Left will turn America into a battleground… here’s what happens next…( Well Done!!)”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    The NSA and Fusion Centers know exactly who each of the freaks are, where they live, and crimes they’ve committed. Arrest them one by one over the next week. Also use special forces to surround and surprise attack them tomorrow WHEN they riot.

    They are terrorists / domestic enemies within. Them attacking IS THE SAME AS China attacking. Stop with the milk toast gas and rubber bullets. Is that what we’d use on China invading ? Nnoooo.

    Mow down the apes. We submit to 50 IQ ‘planet of the apes,’ or we conquer them. Which is it ? I say conquer in the next 72 hours. The campaign starts with surprise attacks and rolls into mass arrests wherever they are. It ends with them being deported to Africa stripped of citizenship.

    You have to understand HOW great America will be once the head of AND THE BODY OF, the snake is crushed.

    It’s ATTACK TIME NOW !!! Gloves off, Apache Attack Helicopters fully armed, surprise attacks. A 3 day war. Done.

  2. Robert Edward Lee

    A 10 day or less martial law could be implemented as part of the campaign against the terrorists which includes Chinese sleeper cells and as Mike mentions, ALL CEO’s of big tech and big pay AND THEIR ACCESSORIES TO CRIMES LIKE THE LITTLE QWEEBS ACTUALLY DOING THE DELETING … BEHIND THE COMPUTER SCREENS, as well as POD companies like Printful, Teespring, etc., for refusing to print non leftwing designs, like what happened to Hagmann.

    Trumps team has to coordinate this perfectly. It has to happen fast and furious in sweeps and phases. get the FEMA camps ready. Get Gitmo ready. Get the planes and ships ready to de citizen and deport a LOT of enemies within.

    Godspeed Trump.


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