Trump to name vaccine czar; a former executive of a Big Pharma drug giant that admitted to FELONY crimes under $3 billion settlement with DOJ
by: Mike Adams
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Trump is about to name a “vaccine czar” to run “Operation Warp Speed,” a fast-track scheme to distribute 300 million untested, unsafe vaccines across America before the end of the year. The person being named to the position is a former executive with GlaxoSmithKline, a criminal corporation that admitted to a large-scale felony bribery scheme in its $3 billion settlement with the DOJ. GSK’s bribery scheme involved 44,000 doctors and violated the laws of every state in the nation.
With no qualms about doing business with corporate felons, President Trump is now jumping in bed with Big Pharma criminals to turn the American people into human guinea pigs in order to push Big Pharma profits and try to boost the stock market in time for the November elections. And instead of choosing to work with a corporation that has no criminal record, he chose the vaccine maker that has the worst criminal record across the entire vaccine industry.
With no qualms about doing business with corporate felons, President Trump is now jumping in bed with Big Pharma criminals to turn the American people into human guinea pigs in order to push Big Pharma profits and try to boost the stock market in time for the November elections. And instead of choosing to work with a corporation that has no criminal record, he chose the vaccine maker that has the worst criminal record across the entire vaccine industry.
RFID tagged, GPS located, Department of Defense vaccines
As ABC6 reports:
Moncef Slaoui, a former GlaxoSmithKline executive, will lead “Operation Warp Speed,” Trump’s push to accelerate the vaccine development process for COVID-19, according to an administration official. Slaoui is to serve in a volunteer capacity, and will be assisted by Army Gen. Gustave Perna, the commander of United States Army Materiel Command.
If you’re wondering why a US Army general is getting involved with the GlaxiSmithKline vaccine push, it’s because Trump has just announced he’s going to “rapidly mobilize” the US military to distribute the vaccine, according to CBS News:
“We’re mobilizing our military and other forces but we’re mobilizing our military on the basis that we do have a vaccine. You know, it’s a massive job to give this vaccine. Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly,” the president said
It’s quite clear that Trump is describing a military-run forced vaccination program that involves mandatory injections, “to a lot of people very, very rapidly.”
Why would the US military be required to distribute a vaccine? Because, of course, the vaccine won’t be optional. President Trump is going to use the United States military to force vaccinate millions of Americans against their will. Trump has sold out America and is now going to turn the American people into live human guinea pigs for Big Pharma’s mad vaccine experiments. The entire “Operation Warp Speed” scheme is about skipping safety tests and clinical trials in order to roll out a risky, untested, unsafe vaccine that will be injected into you at gunpoint.
That’s why the military is about to be deployed across the United States to administer vaccines.
Trump has betrayed his nation and the American people. He is now an agent of Big Pharma and the anti-human rights vaccine industry that uses human children for medical experiments, all around the world.
RFID tagged, GPS located, Department of Defense vaccines
It won’t be just any normal vaccine, either. Yesterday the Dept. of Defense issued a press release celebrating its effort to acquire 500 million “ApiJect” vaccine injection devices to be ready for the coronavirus vaccine.
As described on the ApiJect website, the ApiJect syringe features RFID tracking and GPS geo-location combined with medical data sharing with a government cloud:
With an optional RFID/NFC tag on each BFS prefilled syringe, ApiJect will make this possible. Before giving an injection, the healthcare worker will be able to launch a free mobile app and “tap” the prefilled syringe on their phone, capturing the NFC tag’s unique serial number, GPS location and date/time. The app then uploads the data to a government-selected cloud database. Aggregated injection data provides health administrators an evolving real-time “injection map.”
So the military will be “mobilized” across America to administer forced vaccines that are tagged with RFID and GPS location data, linked to your personal identification and synced with a government database that will of course be used very soon to enforce “immunity passports” and other Bill Gatesian ideas rooted in medical tyranny.
Are you getting the picture yet?
The Rest…HERE
So this means we will be forcibly exterminated by the US military.
“If you allow yourself to be injected with this euthanasia vaccine, you will be killed by a subsequent infection after the Fauci / Wuhan “Covid-21” bioweapons release next year”.