Lacking Resolve, Most Americans Have Already Accepted Their FEMA Camp Fate

Thursday, May 14, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Thursday, May 14, 2020

America has many brave and intelligent people. However, we don’t have enough brave and intelligent people. There is a core of Americans capable of resisting the tyrannical takeover of our country. However, these great Americans, do not have the civilian “foot soldiers” behind them. Too many of our fellow countrymen have become what Thomas Paine, in his Common Sense writings, “Sunshine Patriots”. This point is exemplified in two places in our country, Fresno, CA. and Seattle, Washington.

Fresno Resists Tyranny-“kind of”-

Yesterday, I watched a video (too filled with horrible language to play here) in which average citizens in Fresno, CA. blocked the entrance to a restaurant in order that the police could not enter. The restaurant was bravely and flagrantly disobeying Newsom’s lockdown order, which he awaits the completion of the Gate/Fauci vaccine. These Americans were incredibly brave and the police, for the 20 minutes that the video lasts, never made it into the store, despite arrests that were made. The Fresno Police did indeed represent jack-booted Nazi thugs. These so-called police have their incomes, they violate social-distancing but they were denying the right for average Americans to put food on the table of their kids. A few blocks away, a Walmart is open for business and they have no restrictions on people that are being enforced. This is a flagrant abuse of the 1st Amendment, 5th Amendment and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution.

Unfortunately, I only counted about 30 people, maximum in the video. There should have been 3,000 people who rallied at the restaurant. Then 3,000 people should have become 300,000! I have called for 1 million people in California to flock to the beach in violation of Newsom’s unconstitutional order. I have called on all businesses to open up. I have also called for people to not shop at the box stores (eg Walmart) who are receiving undue preferential treatment under the law. The people must paralyze government’s ability to respond.

The use of MLK sit down strikes is appropriate at this point. Isn’t it ironic that Newsome lets out murderers, rapists and pedophiles from jail because they might contract CV-19, and we are putting law-abiding Americans, turned into criminals through unconstitutional edicts into the same jails and prisons? This is the illogic and immorality of the left on display for all to see. Yet, there is one thing missing. What’s missing are people with courage. The numbers to bring this tyrannical new and unconstitutional government to its knees are not there. The American male has been sissified. I see more acts of courage from the single moms of this country and from women, in general, that I do from the men. Where have all the real men gone?

The Rest…HERE

2 Responses to “Lacking Resolve, Most Americans Have Already Accepted Their FEMA Camp Fate”

  1. laura ann

    If people go early to get groceries hardly anyone is there. Most Americans living int heir own world, apathy and self absorbed and just don’t care. Fortunately husband is only child no siblings.

  2. Robert Edward Lee

    FEMA Camps will be packed with OTW’s, ( other than whites, ) and uninformed libtards. They’ll be the first in the streets rioting for food and will keep emergency responders busy.

    Get out the ( non gmo, ) popcorn.


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