COVID-19 Test Numbers Mean Nothing! The Majority of the Test Kits Were Not Validated by the FDA or CDC!!! FAKE NUMBERS ARE KEEPING US LOCKED DOWN!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Saturday, May 9, 2020

You are about to read a report which exposes the biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon the American people. There are no unnamed sources afraid to come out behind the shadows for fear of experiencing the loss of job or even the loss of life. The words of the CDC convict this massive CV-19 fraud perpetrated upon our once great nation.

As a point of reference, it is important to establish my credibility in interpreting the government’s own statements regarding the diagnostic efficacy of the tests. I have taught both graduate and undergraduate courses in research methodology. I have also authored two courses in statistics at the same level of academia.

Whether one is validating a treatment efficacy or providing a more “reliable” claim for diagnosis, one needs to establish the false positive rate in order to determine whether or not effective treatment or accurate diagnostics falls within acceptable limits. And of course, consistency is needed in the testing process and that is established through multiple studies in which consistent results are obtained. In health testing, a margin of error of less than 5% is acceptable. Anything greater than this calls into question the validity of the diagnostics.

At question in this report is the efficacy of the diagnostic procedures being utlized by federal and state health officials in determining the true infection rate in the United States which can be used as a guide to impose restrictions upon the people of this nation. Sometimes in investigative reporting, we can use the words of the investigated to convict them of wrongdoing. This is certainly the case here.

From the FDA in an April Statement from the Commissioner of Food and Drugs -Food and Drug Administration Stephen M. Hahn MD., in which the FDA admits that they have no intention of validating the testing numbers for COVID-19. Instead, the FDA admits that they will let the test developers validate their own testing reliability and validity.

The Rest…HERE

One Response to “COVID-19 Test Numbers Mean Nothing! The Majority of the Test Kits Were Not Validated by the FDA or CDC!!! FAKE NUMBERS ARE KEEPING US LOCKED DOWN!!!”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    Guess where none of this would’ve happened. That’s right. A VERY ENLARGED CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA FOR WHITE CHRISTIANS ONLY.

    WHY don’t we EVER hear SO MUCH AS A PEEP about this from ANY ๐Ÿ™‚ “watchmen?”


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