What You Need to Know About Govt. Grants, Loans, and Forbearance to Survive the Pandemic Economy
by Diane Kennedy
April 30, 2020
We learned a lot from the 2008-2009 Great Recession. As a CPA and real estate investor, I learned that sometimes there was absolutely nothing you can do to save a bad deal. I learned that people often hang on to an old way of life much too long, putting their future in jeopardy. I learned that some people never recover, emotionally, from a financial loss while others bounce back, stronger than ever.
It might be too early to make your walk-away plan, but it’s never too soon to look at your options. Where are you right now?
Your goal right now is to look at how you can have more money coming in and less money going out. There are some government programs and lender programs to help. Remember, though, that these are only temporary fixes. But as a taxpayer, you may be eligible to get this money and it may help you survive the pandemic financially.
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