‘Second Amendment rights have been gravely injured’: Judge blocks new California law requiring background checks for people buying ammunition

Friday, April 24, 2020
By Paul Martin

US District Judge Roger Benitez issued preliminary injunction in San Diego
Benitez, a George W. Bush appointee, said new California law is unconstitutional
Preliminary injunction granted after request by California pro-gun lobby
Governor Gavin Newsom’s spokesperson said state was considering next steps

24 April 2020

A US federal judge has blocked a California law that required background checks for people buying ammunition, saying it violated the constitutional right to bear arms.

US District Judge Roger Benitez in San Diego issued a preliminary injunction on Thursday halting the law, ruling in favor of lobby group California Rifle & Pistol Association, which asked him to stop the checks.

‘California’s new ammunition background check law misfires and the Second Amendment rights of California citizens have been gravely injured,’ Benitez wrote in the order granting the group’s motion for a preliminary injunction.

The order also described the law as ‘onerous and convoluted’ and ‘constitutionally defective.’

California Governor Gavin Newsom had supported such legislation from before he took office.

His administration was disappointed by the ruling and was considering the next steps, a spokeswoman said.

It was not immediately clear whether the state attorney general’s office would appeal or seek to stay the order.

Gun control advocates criticized Thursday’s ruling and felt it was depriving Californians of an important public safety law.

The Rest…HERE

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