As of March 13, 2020, the Government Has Unchecked and Unlimited Power Over Every Citizen

Tuesday, April 14, 2020
By Paul Martin

by Dave Hodges
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

When I viewed the clip of Anthony Fauci’s statements made on CNN’s Jake Tapper’s show this past weekend, I said, if Trump does not fire him on Monday morning, it will be clear evidence that the President is no longer in control of the Presidency and the Executive Branch of the Government. My statement was a gross understatement. Things have gone from bad to worse because you are no longer living in the United States and this article will make this point crystal clear.

On March 13, 2020, ABC News tweeted out the following news release. This announcement has profound implications for every citizen in this country. The rule of law is now gone and along with it, any Constitutional pretense for the protection of the civil liberties for the citizens of The United States.

The Rest…HERE

6 Responses to “As of March 13, 2020, the Government Has Unchecked and Unlimited Power Over Every Citizen”

  1. Robert Edward Lee

    Notice Tom Hanks wife who faked Covid19 followed deep state orders and just now came out claiming bad side effects from Hydroxychloroquine 🙂 She’s the ONLY one saying this. (((THEY))) needed a celeb to attack the cure.

    How soon will we see the arrests ?

  2. White Scooter Trash

    Hey guys ya gotta check this video out and make it go viral. No pun intended.

  3. Robert Edward Lee

    I don’t like Trumps talk of a “vaccine !!!” NO VACCINES TRUMP. Don’t ruin your perfect score with a swamp creature thing like a vaccine. Talk to Alex Jones and John Rappaport about vaccines. THEY ARE ALL BS AND VERY BAD FOR YOU. 2/3 of America will refuse and you’ll start a Civil War !!!!!


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