Washington State releases hundreds of people from “public health supervision” over the coronavirus; tests NONE of them for the virus
by: Mike Adams
Monday, February 24, 2020
This tells you everything you need to know about how U.S. states plan to handle the coronavirus outbreak: Refrain from testing anyone and then report “zero community outbreaks.”
Last week, the State of Washington was monitoring 794 people for coronavirus symptoms. Yet by Friday of last week, the state had only tested a grand total of 28 people for the virus.
Today, the 794 number has fallen to 582, according to the Washington Dept. of Health website.
This means over 200 people have been released from “public health supervision,” yet the total number of people tested for the coronavirus in Washington remains at 28.
In other words, zero new people were tested.
So we now have states that are releasing hundreds of people from supervision without testing any of them.
People with no symptoms aren’t being tested, but the virus spreads in people who show no symptoms…
This is all taking place in an environment when we already know:
The virus can be carried by people who show no symptoms.
The incubation period of the virus is up to 27 days, not merely 14.
The symptoms of the virus can be easily confused with pneumonia, the common cold or other mild infections.
South Korea has managed to test thousands of people for the virus, which is how they’ve now discovered over 842 infections there, a number that has truly exploded over the last five days.
The State of Washington knows about 794 people who might be infected, yet they’ve only tested 28?
If South Korea had taken the same approach, they could be reporting only 30 infections today instead of 842. If you don’t test people, you don’t “confirm” infections.
The question is not how many people have been confirmed infected, the question is how many infected people have NOT been tested.
Does Washington State already have more infections than South Korea?
My best guess is that the State of Washington has more infections than South Korea. We won’t know for sure until the state decides to start testing people, and they apparently have no desire to conduct such tests in the first place.
What’s truly astonishing here is that every U.S. state has law enforcement crime labs with PCR / genetic analysis equipment for solving crimes. Yet none of them are using that technology to screen people for coronavirus infections.
Why not?
The answer, of course, is because they don’t want to find any infections in the first place.
It brings up an even bigger question: Is the CDC ordering U.S. states to halt all testing? Where are the CDC’s replacement test kits that were supposed to fix the broken diagnostic kits shipped out on Feb. 5th?
Why aren’t U.S. states using crime lab equipment to run coronavirus tests?
Why are states like Hawaii reporting that they’ve tested ZERO people for coronavirus?
Why are 47 U.S. states conducting no tests at all?
Why does Google keep linking to the WHO, which is run by communist China and is known to be a criminally negligent propaganda hub of disinformation and pro-China lies?
And why does a U.S. State Dept. employee in Japan think that infections can be blocked on airplanes by using plastic sheeting and duct tape, which is what allowed him to shove infected passengers on the same plane as non-infected passengers, resulting in at least 25 new infections.
Finally, will the United States be any more honest than China when it comes to reporting the truth about the coronavirus?
So far, the answer seems to be a definite no.