From Hero to Zero- Clint Eastwood Supporting a Neo-Nazi! Cognitive Decline?
by Dave Hodges
Sunday, February 23, 2020
From Hero to Zero- Clint Eastwood Supporting a Neo-Nazi! Cognitive Decline?
by Dave Hodges
Sunday, February 23, 2020
From Hero to Zero- Clint Eastwood Supporting a Neo-Nazi! Cognitive Decline?
It can ONLY be one of these :
1. He, like his character in Gran Torino, is sacrificing himself, ( his reputation, ) to help get Bloomscum the nomination cause he knows Trump can beat him. ( A clever political chess move ? )
2. He’s going senile.
3. He’s really a dirty low down scuzzy libtard.
It’s one of these 3. I “hope” it’s # 1.