Race division grows as “academics” downgrade whites to an inferior species: Dartmouth to host racist forum about how to figure out white people “in their natural habitats”
by: Ethan Huff
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
A grossly overweight, self-proclaimed “expert on whiteness” is planning to host an “academic” forum at Dartmouth University in early February entitled “What’s Up with White People?” that, as its name implies, will openly demean and insult people with fair skin as being members of some type of second-class species.
According to reports, the self-loathing, pasty white Matt Wray of Temple University in Philadelphia will attempt to provide answers as to why some people are apparently “perplexed” by white people.
Having previously authored such pedagogical gems as “Introduction to White Trash: Race and Class in America,” “White Trash Religion,” and “Three generations of imbeciles are enough: American eugenics and poor white trash,” Wray is apparently an expert in all things white trash (perhaps due to personal life experience?), and thus wants to preach what he thinks he knows about the subject.
The talk is being advertised as an open-to-the-public discussion forum that aims to provide a “field guide” for people to learn all about “the different types of white people and how you can learn to spot them in their natural habitats.” In other words, Wray sees white people as some type of zoo exhibit to be inspected by inquiring eyes in order to denigrate and patronize.
In Wray’s own words, the event will offer “a sociological and cultural analysis of what produces and sustains” certain “white social types.” In Wray’s view, there are four primary types: “white nationalists” like Richard Spencer; transracial lunatics like NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal; left-wing social justice warriors (SJWs); and, of course, President Donald Trump.
Dartmouth claims Wray’s views don’t represent those of the college, even though the college is paying for him to speak there
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