AZ Democrat Senators: Register or Surrender ‘Assault Weapons’
10 Feb 2020
Democrats in the Arizona Senate are pushing legislation that requires “assault weapons” throughout the state to be registered or surrendered.
The legislation, SB 1625, also provides the third option of rendering the firearm inoperable.
Moreover, the text of SB 1625 makes clear that the legislation ends not simply the ownership of “assault weapons,” but the manufacture of said firearms as well. An exception for manufacturing is provided for those making guns for police or military.
The statute to surrender said firearms also applies to “high capacity” magazines and certain semiautomatic pistols and shotguns.
The Democrat gun control push in Arizona comes as Democrats in Virginia are pushing an “assault weapons” ban, a “high capacity” magazine ban, the criminalization of private gun sales via universal background checks, gun rationing legislation that mandates no more than one handgun purchase a month, a ban on suppressors, and myriad other gun controls.