THE SHOT THAT ROCKED THE WORLD: Gerald Celente Just Issued This Dire Warning After US Takes Out Iran’s Top Commander

Saturday, January 4, 2020
By Paul Martin
January 04, 2020

THE SHOT THAT ROCKED THE WORLD: Gerald Celente just issued this dire warning after U.S. takes out Iran’s top commander.

The Shot That Rocked The World
January 4 (King World News) – Eric King: “Gerald, we had this major escalation overseas as the U.S. took out Iran’s general. And I’m sure it’s because he was aggressively winning on all fronts. If they felt the need to assassinate this guy he must have been a real problem. What were your thoughts when you saw that unfold? And obviously the gold market ignited.”

The First Shot Of World War III Has Been Fired
Gerald Celente: “I saw this coming and I’ve been writing about this for years. This is a very, very sad day in my life. As a trend forecaster I look into the future, and the future that I see is that the first shot of World War III has been fired. This is a very serious time. If the people don’t stand up and take action, they’re going to lead us to war.

They always say the generals are fighting the last war. I was the keynote speaker at the Virginia Military Institute talking about ‘New Millennium Warfare.’ Major Generals were there. General Anthony Zinney — (former Commander in Chief of the United States Central Command (CENTCOM) — was there and we corresponded afterwards as well.

The Rest…HERE

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