Hammer Surveillance Hoax Psyop Intensifies – Kevin Shipp
By Greg Hunter
November 20, 2019
Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the so-called “Hammer” (Hamr) surveillance system invented by Dennis Montgomery is a proven hoax. Shipp says new data shows the Hammer (HAMR) hoax is an intensifying psyop. Shipp says, “It’s fake. It’s a false story, and yet, it is being pushed all the way to the top (of Google search) that is now claiming it was part of the surveillance on President Trump, and that is pretty serious because it is getting up to that level. . . . We’ve proven that Dennis Montgomery is a documented fraud and con man . . . and after all of that, this story keeps morphing and they keep pushing it up. Somehow it has gotten to number two in a Google search.”
The latest version of the Hammer surveillance hoax says it was also used to go after General Michael Flynn early on in the Administration. Shipp says, “That is a lie. That is a hoax. It is not true. We have proven that is not true. They pushed this all the way up to the defense team of General Michael Flynn, which is serious. Had they bit on that, it could have affected Flynn’s entire defense and could have damaged it badly. They are coming out now and saying Dennis Montgomery is reliable, and I have proven 100% he is a fraud and a conman, all documented from multiple sources.”
Shipp, who is an expert in counterintelligence analysis, thinks the Hammer hoax is a “psyop that has been kicked into overdrive.” Shipp thinks, “Why are they doing this? There is some entity trying to divert attention away from the real coup against President Donald Trump that is going on now and the real spying. . . . Wouldn’t the perpetrator of the coup and spying against Donald Trump, wouldn’t the perpetrator want to come up with a way to divert attention from what they were doing? That is what this looks like. . . .Every time this hoax is disproven, they come out with more false information.”
Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp, author of the popular book all about the Deep State called “From the Company of Shadows.”