Devin Nunes Aims and FIRES At Barack Obama for His Role in Russia Hoax

Thursday, November 21, 2019
By Paul Martin

Dean Garrison
November 21, 2019

Devin Nunes is keeping hope alive that Barack Obama may someday be brought to justice.

Nunes correctly acknowledges that ALL of this Russia/Ukraine nonsense started with Obama.

Ukraine is just a continuation/plan-b of and for the failed “Russiagate” fiasco.

Here’s Gary with the video:

Let’s not forget that Ukrainegate was in Obama’s hands many years ago.

He likely gave birth to it by insisting on picking the regime that was put into power.

How many have forgotten the iron-fisted Obama helping to instill Neo-Nazis into power years ago?

Never Forget: Obama Put Neo-Nazis in Power in the Ukraine, and They Are Now Arming North Korea
Obama is a Liar. Fake NATO Evidence. OSCE Confirms that No Russian Troops, No Tanks, have Crossed the Russia-Ukraine Border
R.I.P. Freedom of Speech? Obama Bans Critics of Ukraine Coup From Entering U.S.

So why isn’t Barack Obama constantly in the headlines now?

The Rest…HERE

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