The lawlessness and de-humanizing TYRANNY of the establishment Left is teaching patriots what’s at stake when the civil war begins
by: Mike Adams
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Since the 2016 election, Leftists have become lawless, heartless hatemongers steeped in unprecedented self delusion. While the tech giants, for example, ban conservative journalists from speaking online, they simultaneously announce support for their “Protect Press Freedom” movement, having zero clue that they are the ones destroying the freedom of the independent press in the first place.
At the same time, “Beto” Robert O’Rourke promised that if he were elected President, he would send armed government agents on a door-to-door mission to confiscate citizens’ guns at gunpoint, rendering citizens defenseless against the crime wave of illegals that Democrats allow to keep pouring into the country (so they can all be given the right to vote for more Democrats, a process of “population gerrymandering”).
Leftists now physically attack MAGA hat wearers and conservative personalities in public restaurants, unleashing their vitriol and violence on sight, acting out the intense hate-powered brainwashing of the left-wing media that spews daily hatred as a kind of political currency.
In the House of Representatives, Democrats are running an impeachment fiasco that, from the start, plotted to deprive the President of the United States basic due process rights that are universally present even in traffic court. If the Democrats are unwilling to allow the President to enjoy his rights under the rule of law, what chance does a powerless citizen have of experiencing anything resembling due process or a fair trial in a Democrat-run court system?
Meanwhile, the left-wing pedophiles and perverts are coming for your children with pedophilia indoctrination programs called “Drag Queen Story Hour,” now featured at your local public library or grade school event. At these events, open-crotched, skirt-wearing perv men flash their genitalia at young children while “progressive” parents cheer their “tolerance” while chemically castrating their children with puberty-blocking pharmaceuticals so they can parade their infertile, permanently maimed children in front of their friends at “progressive” social gatherings.
This is what the deranged, lawless Left has become in America today: A mob of lunatics, tyrants, sickos, perverts and criminals. They have become so steeped in evil and delusion that they now deny the human dignity of all conservatives, Christians and Trump supporters, believing that such people deserve no right to speak and no right to exist in our modern, technology-driven society.
And they are out to destroy all conservatives by:
Silencing all their online speech.
Removing them from positions in academia.
Eliminating them from influential corporations and corporate boards.
Denying them the right to engage in commercial transactions or raise money through donations.
Denying them the right to participate in fair and free elections.
Denying them the right to exist as a person by defending themselves against false, malicious smears of the radical Left.
Denying them personal safety in public spaces by accosting and assaulting them in public.
We are now witnessing the purge of all conservatism from society, all run by left-wing lunatics who somehow consider themselves to be “tolerant” and “progressive” while they are carrying out a coordinated campaign to silence and destroy all those with whom they disagree. Obedience is the new tolerance, and freedom is the enemy of obedience.
There are no Democrats who speak out against the tyranny of the Left
Did you notice there is only one Democrat in the House of Representatives who has spoken out against the impeachment coup attempt? Notice how there are no prominent Democrats in pop culture who are speaking out against infanticide and the Planned Parenthood child murder factories that resemble the organ harvesting dungeons of communist China? Notice how there isn’t a single prominent tech company CEO speaking out against the coordinated conspiracy of censorship against conservative or alternative voices of dissent?
Through censorship, intimidation, vote rigging and control over media narratives, the mob of hysterical Leftists have made sure that anyone who disobeys their demands will be completely ostracized from society, unable to engage in speech, employment, or even democracy itself.
Under the tyrannical thumb of the Left:
You have no right to speak, unless your speech is completely aligned with the obedience requirements of the radical Left, which includes celebrating transgenderism child indoctrination and promoting communism.
You have no right to vote, since your vote will be nullified by the left-wing establishment if they don’t like the outcome of the election.
You have no right to work, since you can be fired from your job if you are exposed by the mob of liberal co-workers who hate your politics.
You have no right to defend yourself, since guns, ammunition and magazines are all being systematically outlawed by the Left, even as they encourage a wave of migrant criminals to occupy America and commit violence against American citizens.
You have no right to participate in public discourse, since your website or blog will be de-platformed by all the tech giants if you diverge from their “officially allowed” views on everything from open borders to vaccines.
You have no right to clear your name, since you will be maliciously smeared by the tag-team of Google and Wikipedia, without any possibility of responding to false accusations since your own website is eliminated from search results.
The Rest…HERE