Climate alarmists drop the polar bear as their mascot since polar bears are thriving, with record population numbers

Monday, October 28, 2019
By Paul Martin

by: Ethan Huff
Monday, October 28, 2019

You probably won’t be seeing too many polar bears in the mainstream media anymore now that the climate brigade has decided to drop the furry arctic animal from its propaganda lineup.

The reason, as we recently reported, has to do with the fact that, contrary to the prevailing climate narrative, polar bear numbers are increasing, not decreasing.

In other words, despite the alleged pandemic of “global warming” and melting polar ice caps, polar bears are doing just fine – so well, in fact, that in some areas hunters are being encouraged to kill more of them in order to thin out their population numbers.

Hilariously, The Guardian (U.K.) actually made a formal announcement about the removal of polar bears from its climate change propaganda, insisting that it’s more effective to use people rather than animals in conveying the “climate emergency.”

After seeking advice from an organization called “Climate Visuals,” The Guardian‘s editors decided that continuing to feature polar bears, and apparently pandas, as “emblems” of climate change is imprudent, if not entirely inaccurate.

“Often, when signalling environmental stories to our readers, selecting an image of a polar bear on melting ice has been the obvious – though not necessarily appropriate choice,” The Guardian reporter Fiona Shields writes.

“These images tell a certain story about the climate crisis but can seem remote and abstract – a problem that is not a human one, nor one that is particularly urgent,” she goes on to explain.

Now we’re supposed to believe that staged photos of distressed people serve as “proof” of climate change

Not only is The Guardian refusing to admit that its past depictions of polar bears dying off due to climate change were certifiably false, but the news outlet is now doubling down on the climate narrative, and insisting that it’s more “accurate” to depict human beings suffering from climate change.

The cover photo in Shields’ article – a photo that The Guardian admittedly believes is a more accurate representation of the pain and suffering supposedly caused by climate change – depicts a distressed older woman running away from a smoky inferno. She appears to have some kind of lighting pointed at her to emphasize her presence in the photo, the rest of which is darker.

In other words, the shot appears to have been staged, and The Guardian wants us all to believe that it’s not only real, but also that it was caused by cow farts and people driving gasoline-powered vehicles.

The Rest…HERE

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