COMPLETE LIST: Adam Schiff’s Top ‘Witness’ Fiona Hill and Her Many Connections to Soros and the Deep State

Monday, October 21, 2019
By Paul Martin

by Joe Hoft
October 21, 2019

Corrupt and Compulsive Liar Adam Schiff is attempting to unseat the President of the United States Donald Trump using characters like Fiona Hill. The list of her connections to corrupt players in the Deep State is long and wide.
As we previously mentioned Roger Stone outed Fiona Hill in 2017 as a Deep State spy in the White House under then NSA Advisor General H. R. McMaster.

The George Soros connected traitor was outed by Israeli spies as was reported by Stone at InfoWars.

InfoWars reported on Hill and suggested she may be one of the current deep state anti-Trump “whistleblowers.”

“The second White House whistleblower in the Democrats’ Ukraine witch hunt is none other than George Soros operative Fiona Hill, Infowars has learned.

Infowars was contacted by sources close to the president confirming our suspicions that Fiona Hill is definitely one of the so-called White House whistleblowers involved in the current Ukraine witch hunt against President Trump.

Infowars first reported that Hill worked as a mole for Soros when Trump confidante Roger Stone broke the bombshell in May 2017, revealing that Hill was serving as Soros’ mole under the supervision of former NSA adviser H.R. McMaster.

The video below shows Trump confidante Roger Stone in July 2017 warning that he was told he would be “targeted for annihilation” by the FBI for exposing the mole.

The Rest…HERE

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