California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom signs law to put illegals on state boards

Monday, October 14, 2019
By Paul Martin

By Monica Showalter
October 14, 2019

Talk about disenfranchisement. In California, seems it’s not enough that foreign nationals who’ve just spilled over the U.S. border from the south can get free education, free health care, free housing and all that — now it looks like locals may just find themselves lorded over by foreign nationals with zero loyalty to the United States making policy, now that Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed SB225, a bill to allow illegals to “serve” 9and be paid) on state boards that make policy in California. If your interests conflict with theirs, too bad about yours:

According to the San Francisco Chronicle:

SACRAMENTO — Undocumented immigrants and other non-citizens will be allowed to serve on state boards and commissions after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a package of bills Saturday intended to integrate immigrants further into society.

SB225 by Sen. Maria Elena Durazo, D-Los Angeles, expands eligibility for state appointments to any California resident over the age of 18.

In a signing message, Newsom said applicants deserved to be considered on their merits, rather than their immigration status.

“Building a more representative government requires an assessment of barriers that prevent talented and qualified Californians from consideration for public service,” he said. “California doesn’t succeed in spite of our diversity — our state succeeds because of it.”

The idea is so bad it was vetoed in 2018 by the state’s previous governor, Jerry Brown, who rejected it on the grounds that citizenship for this form of public service “is the better path.” The bill’s sponsor, Sen. Maria Elena Durazo, is a far left activist who accompanied Newsom on his first trip as governor to El Salvador on a junket to find out how to make illegals in California happier.

It’s a shocking encroachment to the “consent of the governed” idea now that anyone, citizen or not, legally here or not, loyal to the U.S. or not, can get himself a sinecure as part of the state’s ruling class. Think the Chinese government might just want to take advantage, sending someone over to defend their interests with a national loyal to them? All they’d have to do is talk left-wing which is not hard for a hardcore Chicom to do, and they could get on. Think the Mexican government might just do the same? It’s an astonishing open borders move to put illegals in ruling positions now, as if consent of the citizens no longer mattered. The U.S. fought a war over this problem — in 1776.

It also could create some interesting foreign policy problems – think the governments of El Salvador or Honduras might just find it useful to have some of its nationals on some California board next time there’s a clash of interests between California and Washington around the issue of illegal immigration? You can bet some of these places are doing the calculations.

The Rest…HERE

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