Warning to Deep State Dems and Coastal Elites: Good Americans Will Not Allow Their Innocent President to Be Impeached by Corrupt Politicians over Nothing!

Monday, October 7, 2019
By Paul Martin

by Joe Hoft
October 7, 2019

Americans are beyond angry with the actions the Democrats, elites, the Deep State and their media.

President Donald Trump is a great man and the greatest President of this generation.

His list of accomplishments is unending and proves his devotion to the country.

*The highest stock markets ever – up nearly 50% since his election win
*The most stock market all time daily highs in a year (71)
*The most stock market all time daily highs in a row (12) – tying Reagan
*The largest stock market rally in a day – over 1,000 points
*The lowest overall unemployment in 50 years currently at 3.5%
*The lowest unemployment ever for women, Hispanics and blacks
*The most Americans working in history
*More job openings that employees
*Massive wage increases, especially in the lowest income workers
*Medium level income at highest levels ever recorded
*Over 6 million new jobs since 2017 (good paying jobs too)
*American energy independence for first time in decades
*American energy exporter first time in decades
*Out of Obamacare mandate which forced Americans to pay tax penalty for not affording insurance
*Millions of Americans off of food stamps
*Strongest military ever
*Started Space Force – preparing America for space age defense
*Destroyed evil ISIS in Syria/Iraq after Obama said they would be there for a generation
*Got US out of horrible Obama trade deal with China and Asian countries giving away US jobs
*Drafted new trade deal with Canada and Mexico (USMCA) which will save US jobs
*Drafted new trade deal with Japan
*Drafted new trade deal with Korea
*Standing up to China in trade and intellectual property theft
*Signed lowest corporate tax rates in decades helping US companies and workers
*First President to step inside North Korea
*First President to meet with North Korea leader in effort to achieve peace
*Standing up for America in NATO requesting EU countries to pay fair share
*Record number of regulations eliminated
*Two new Supreme Court judges
*More than 100 new District judges
*Withdrew from horrible Paris accords
*Withdrew from horrible Iran deal

The Rest…HERE

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