Bernie Sanders announces support for global eugenics and depopulation, calls on accelerating abortions in countries populated by people of color

Thursday, September 5, 2019
By Paul Martin

by: Mike Adams
Thursday, September 05, 2019

In a bizarre, almost surreal CNN town hall event that repeatedly claimed hurricanes are all man-made, Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders called for a global-scale eugenics program to reduce human population by accelerating abortions in countries populated by people of color.

Advocacy for all this came from Sanders’ response to a pre-screened question from an audience member named Martha Readyoff, “a teacher from New Milford, Connecticut.” Her question is heavily peppered with presuppositions, such as claiming abortion is “empowering women.” The question was obviously intended to push Sanders toward a more radical left-wing position, and he took the bait. Here’s her question (h/t to for the transcripts):

Good evening. Human population growth has more than doubled in the past 50 years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realize this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact. Would you be courageous enough to discuss this issue and make it a key feature in a plan to address climate catastrophe?

Bernie Sanders’ reply: Well Martha, the answer is yes. And the answer has everything to do with the fact that women in the United States of Americas, by the way, have a right to control their own bodies and make reproductive decisions. And the Mexico City agreement, which denies American aid to those organizations around the world that allow women to have abortions or even get involved in birth control to me is totally absurd. So, I think especially in poor countries around the world where women do not necessarily want to have large numbers of babies and where they can have the opportunity through birth control to control the number of kids they have, something I very strongly support.

Decoding the Sanders depopulation agenda

What Bernie Sanders is really saying here is that America should export more abortion funding and services to Third World countries that are largely populated by people of color.

Secondly, Sanders did not in any way push back against the population control portion of the question. The question was strongly twisted to imply that pushing depopulation requires “courage,” and Sanders affirmed that he’s all in for reducing human population as a means to “address [the] climate catastrophe.”

This is what the deranged, anti-human Left has come to: Exporting the murder of human babies in the name of saving the planet from “climate change,” a completely fabricated quack science fiction that’s been aggressively pushed by the fake news media like CNN and the NYT.

The Rest…HERE

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