WATCH: Brutally Honest Trump Ad Shows Democrats Care More About Illegal Aliens Than American Taxpayers…(6…)

Wednesday, July 31, 2019
By Paul Martin

President Trump’s newest campaign ad reveals that all major Democrat candidates wish to provide free healthcare to illegal immigrants.

By Tom Pappert
Jul 30, 2019

A new television ad released by President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign shows every major Democrat candidate in the first debate agreeing that illegal immigrants should receive free health care paid for by American taxpayers.

Starting with a clip from last month’s Democratic Presidential Debate, wherein a moderator asked the top Democrat candidates to raise their hand if their health care plan would give free healthcare to illegal immigrants living in the United States only to have every Democrat raise their hand simultaneously, the ad makes the case that “they’re all the same.”

“These Democrats support giving illegal immigrants free healthcare at our expense,” the ad continues. “Spending taxpayer dollars covering illegal immigrants.”

The ad then turns toward the new Democrat push for socialized medicine within the United States, “Calling for socialized medicine, destroying healthcare as we know it, and putting illegal immigrants before hardworking Americans.”

In its conclusion, the ad brands Democrats as “Radical, reckless, socialist” before reaffirming, “They’re all the same.”

The ad, one of the first released as part of the president’s reelection campaign, hones in on an important and bizarre part of the first round of Democrat debates. Every single Democrat, it would seem, not only wishes to pursue socialized medicine, but they want to provide this socialized medicine to illegal immigrants as well.

Big League Politics reported that “On the second consecutive night of debate insanity from the Democratic Party’s presidential contenders for 2020, every single individual on stage indicated earlier this evening that they support subsidizing health care benefits for illegal immigrants.”

The Rest…HERE

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