Amazon openly sells pedophilia products while banning books that try to help people overcome unwanted same-sex attraction…”Is Amazon going to ban the Bible next?”
by: Ethan Huff
Sunday, July 28, 2019
At the same time that Amazon continues to sell child sex dolls to pedophile perverts, the Jeff Bezos retail empire is reportedly pulling all “conversion therapy” books from its website because they’re apparently “offensive” to leftists.
Popular titles like those written by Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, a psychologist who’s considered to be “the father of conversion therapy,” are no longer accessible on Amazon, even though they’re a popular resource for people with unwanted same-sex attraction who actually want to change, rather than march in “pride” parades.
Believe it or not, many folks out there are still interested in hearing viewpoints other than the ones constantly being propagated by the Cult of LGBT, which insists that all forms of sexual perversion are merely “being yourself.”
But Amazon is no longer going to allow this, as only books affirming LGBT doctrines will make the cut from here on out – thanks to one man named Rojo Alan, based in England, who reportedly raised a ruckus on social media that caused Amazon to bow to his demands and “burn” Dr. Nicolosi’s books, as well as many others.
“I had been working on getting these books pulled,” Alan admitted, adding that he’s been contacting Amazon “regularly to speak to them about the books, about how unethical they are.”
“[I] used social-media sites to ask people to leave bad reviews of the books, and also began researching the ways in which they violated Amazon’s rules of publishing,” Alan is further quoted as saying.
“Once I gathered everything I went back to Amazon and I threw all the information I had at them in several conversations. Yet I was given the same ‘we will refer this to the relevant team.’”
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Is Amazon going to ban the Bible next?
According to writer Michael L. Brown, many patients over the years have been helped by Dr. Nicolosi, whose expertise in the realm of same-sex attraction combined with his genuine care for those who came to see him led to many instances of positive outcomes.
But to the LGBT mafia, anything other than full affirmation and acceptance of people’s gender and sexual confusion or perversion represents “hate,” and thus must be struck from the public conversation and outlawed.
One should wonder if the Bible is next on Amazon’s chopping block, seeing as how many passages in it clearly condemn homosexual activity, as well as other forms of sexual perversion, for violating God’s natural law.
This is how LGBT cult members think, after all: If something “offends” them, then it must be eliminated – free speech and the First Amendment be damned.
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