Rep. John Ratcliffe: Sad But True… Mueller Report was Written by Hillary Clinton’s De Facto Legal Team (VIDEO)

Sunday, July 28, 2019
By Paul Martin

by Jim Hoft
July 28, 2019

Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX), a former US Attorney of the Eastern District of Texas and member of the House Intelligence Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning to discuss the Mueller testimony this past week.

Ratcliffe called Mueller’s testimony made it obvious that there’s a hole in the impeachment balloon large enough for Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff to walk through.

He added this on the corrupt Mueller investigators.

Rep. John Ratcliffe: Nadler and Schiff are starting to look more and more like Laurel and Hardy. It’s time to move on… Trey Gowdy said it best this week, the person who learned the most about the Mueller report during Wednesday’s hearings was Robert Mueller. And that’s sad but true. And the Mueller report and its conclusions weren’t from Robert Mueller. They were written by what a lot of people believe was Hillary Clinton’s de facto legal team, people that supported her, even represented some of her aides. So the Mueller report is really going to be difficult for the Democrats or anyone to rely upon the findings of a report when they just listened to the man whose name was on top of it not have a command of what was even in it.

Via Sunday Morning Futures:

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