Food Shortage Warnings Are Already Starting To Appear, And Now Tropical Storm Barry Is Going To Rip Through America’s Heartland
by Michael Snyder
July 14, 2019
The middle of the country has been relentlessly hammered by endless rain and unprecedented flooding for months, and now it is about to be absolutely pummeled by Tropical Storm Barry. Needless to say, this is going to cause even more headaches for Midwestern farmers. At this point, millions of acres of prime farmland are not going to be planted at all this year, and there are tens of millions of other acres where crops are really, really struggling. Those farms desperately need some warm, sunny weather for a while, but instead they are about to get hit by another enormous storm. In the end, this could potentially turn out to be the worst growing season in modern history, and it comes at a time when crops are literally failing all over the planet. Sadly, we really struggle to feed everyone on the globe even during the best years, and so what will things look like if worldwide harvests are catastrophic during the second half of 2019?
I want to make it clear that we have not reached a full-blown crisis yet, but what we are seeing are some very early signs of trouble which could greatly escalate in the months ahead.
For example, it is being reported that we are now facing a “shortage of avocados”…
A shortage of avocados has sent prices soaring.
Wholesale prices of avocados are more than double what they were just a year ago.
Most of the extra cost is being passed onto consumers, with retail prices almost doubling.
That is certainly not the end of the world, because we can definitely survive without avocados.
But corn is another matter altogether. All over the middle portion of the United States, corn fields look absolutely disastrous right now. For example, just check out this photo which a reader took of a corn field in Illinois on July 6th. The corn should be at least waist high by now, but instead it is barely out of the ground and most of that field appears to be covered by water.
It is still very early, and we shall see how the rest of the growing season plays out, but some analysts are already starting to use the word “shortage” in connection with this crisis…
“U.S. corn will be in short supply, but emotions, fears, and hoarding could push it to shortage,” says Ned Schmidt, editor of the Agri-Food Value View Report. The “reality of the situation will develop over time, pushing December 2019 corn to $5.05” a bushel by year end.
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