Immigrant Invasion
by R. Cort Kirkwood
Tuesday, 09 July 2019
Better late than never. Finally, President Trump woke up the Mexicans and said they better stop the mass migration of illegal aliens from Central America. In early June, he threatened tariffs of five percent, and increasing to 25 percent, if the siege continued. Mexico quickly promised, as the Washington Post called it, an “unprecedented crackdown.”
What that will mean in practice is anyone’s guess, but at least Trump made his point. He won’t let illegal aliens erase the borders of the United States.
And erasing it they have been. Some 670,000 illegals crossed the border between October, the beginning of fiscal 2019, and May.
That terrifying number, fast approaching 700,000, invites some obvious practical questions, such as how many murderers or tuberculosis cases crossed the border, and where the government is housing and feeding the horde. But more abstractly, it invites another. Given that hard-left Democrats and Deep State globalists want to keep the border open to permit the entry of future voters who could permanently alter the country politically, and given that Trump has done little, promises notwithstanding, to stop the invasion, does the border mean anything? That is, does a real nation with a sense of its history and purpose permit an invasion force the size of a midsize American city to cross its frontier illegally every two months?
In his 1973 dystopian novel The Camp of the Saints, French author Jean Raspail imagined the Third World’s demographic conquest of Europe in nearly the fashion it is occurring. Now, the conquerors are coming here.
The Raw Numbers and Why They Come
Calling the number of illegals who have crossed the border since October “terrifying” is something of an understatement. In May, the number was 144,278. In April, they numbered 109,144, and in March 103,719.
So in three months, 357,031 crossed — more than the previous five months combined. Total for fiscal 2019? 676,315. To put the numbers in perspective, in March, April, and May combined, a city about the size of Santa Ana, California, crossed the southwest border and settled in the United States. Going back to October, a city the size of Baltimore, Maryland, packed up and moved here.
Almost all the “migrants,” officials say, are from the Northern Triangle of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, and almost all cross the border for one reason: to improve their lives. They are not, as the open-borders Left says, “fleeing violence.” Nor do they “fear persecution.” In January, the Trump administration reported that 90 percent of asylum claims are phony, and as The New American has reported repeatedly on its website, illegals admit the truth not only to researchers but also to reporters.
A report in September 2018 from the Institute for Defense Analysis and National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events at the University of Southern California showed that illegals are not running from violence or persecution. Rather, they want a new life in the United States. “Long-term illegal migration to the United States of adults from Northern Triangle countries has primarily been driven by economic motivations,” the report said, and “the primary motivations of juvenile migrants from 2011 to the present are economic opportunities and reunification with family that migrated previously.”
The authors interviewed illegals and tabulated answers to conclude they migrate for jobs and money. The numbers break down as follows:
In 2016 and 2017, nearly 100 percent of the Guatemalan migrants whom Mexico deported told the researchers they headed north for economic reasons. Of 871 interviewed in 2016, just three cited violence as the reason for coming to the United States. In 2017, none did.
For Hondurans in those two years, the numbers were similar: 98 percent of 1,435 surveyed and 97 percent of 403 surveyed. In 2016, for El Salvador, 98 percent of the 2,588 migrants cited economic reasons for leaving home. In 2017, it was 74 percent of 642 migrants.
Nor were the numbers different for those whom U.S. authorities turned away. In 2016, 91 percent of 1,625 Guatemalans came for economic reasons. In 2017, the number was 95 percent of 723.
The Rest…HERE