Hispanic Pastors Visit Border Facility Ripped By AOC, Say They Are ‘Shocked By Misinformation’…(5…)

Friday, July 5, 2019
By Paul Martin

by Joseph Curl
July 5, 2019

When Rev. Samuel Rodriguez heard reports about Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s visit to a U.S.-Mexico border housing facility — including allegations that residents were forced to drink out of toilets — he was “full of indignation.”

So he went there himself.

“I read the reports, saw the news clips. I just wanted to see what was actually happening in order to better enable our efforts to find a fair and a just solution to our broken immigration system,” said Rodriguez, who has advised President Trump and both Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush on immigration reform, according to Fox News. “To my surprise, I saw something drastically different from the stories I’ve been hearing in our national discourse. Even as a veteran of immigration advocacy in the U.S., I was shocked at the misinformation of the crisis at the border.”

Rodriguez, the president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the world’s largest Hispanic Christian organization, and senior pastor of New Seasons Christian Worship Center in Sacramento, recounted what he saw there.

“We found no soiled diapers, no deplorable conditions and no lack of basic necessities,” Rodriguez remarked, adding he specifically asked border agents if they staged the facility in response to the negative press. “They unequivocally denied it — we were witnessing the identical conditions the attorneys saw when they toured the facility days earlier.”

In fact, some told him the sources from whom the negative coverage originated “never toured the areas of the facility that we toured” and speculated they might have had political motivations.

The pastors left encouraged by the commitment and dedication of America’s Border Patrol and immigration officers, “many of which are Latinos, by the way.” He said one emotional Border Patrol agent turned to him and said, referring to the vilification: “Pastor Sam, what they’re saying about us is completely false. We care about these kids and have a passion for our calling.”

The mainstream media lapped it up AOC’s charges, but one top border union official also said they just weren’t true.

“As the president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing 16,000 Border Patrol agents, I am personally and professionally offended by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s outrageous, inflammatory and false claims about the dedicated law enforcement officers I represent,” Brandon Judd wrote in a Fox News piece.

Judd noted that on Tuesday, Ocasio-Cortez once again described the housing facilities for foreigners who are caught illegally entering America as concentration camps – “absurdly comparing these facilities to the death camps run by the Nazis who murdered 6 million Jews and millions of others during World War II.

The Rest…HERE

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