Ninth Circuit Court says President Trump can defund Planned Parenthood – the time is NOW for taxpayers to stop paying for the murder of unborn babies

Monday, July 1, 2019
By Paul Martin

by: Ethan Huff
Monday, July 01, 2019

Plans by the Trump administration to stop sending federal tax dollars to Planned Parenthood abortion clinics have reportedly been given the green light by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals – which is great news for unborn babies all across the country!

Back in March, President Trump and his staff finalized a new administrative rule that would at least partially defund Planned Parenthood by depriving the nation’s largest abortion business of about $60 million in taxpayer funding.

Currently, Title X funds that the Reagan-era Supreme Court ruled should go towards “family planning” services are being illicitly used by Planned Parenthood to perform abortions and other heinous acts, which is something that the Trump administration has been trying to stop.

Now, it appears that these efforts are finally coming to fruition, as a three-judge panel announced that the president can move forward with apportioning these funds towards the services for which they were intended: things like birth control for low-income men and women, cancer screenings, and other health services.

“Absent a stay, HHS (Health and Human Services) will be forced to allow taxpayer dollars to be spent in a manner that it has concluded violates the law, as well as the government’s important policy interest in ensuring that taxpayer dollars do not go to fund or subsidize abortions,” the judges wrote.

Baby-murderers everywhere are getting triggered by this pro-life victory

This new “Protect Life Rule,” as it’s being called, will force Planned Parenthood to separate its abortion business from its health care business if the eugenics group wants to continue receiving any Title X funding at all.

“Under the new directive, which will take effect in 60 days, organizations receiving Title X funding have 120 days to financially separate their family planning and abortion operations and one year to physically separate their family planning and abortion operations,” reports

What this means is that Planned Parenthood will have to establish more facilities, as Title X-funded facilities will not be allowed to perform abortions – nor will they be allowed to be staffed by the same people who work at Planned Parenthood facilities where abortions are performed.

The Rest…HERE

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