Rose City Antifa doxxes people on their website, celebrates milkshake assault
Paul Joseph Watson
JULY 1, 2019
Facebook & Twitter Still Hosting Content For Antifa Group Responsible for Portland Violence
Facebook and Twitter are both still hosting content by the Antifa group responsible for organizing the violence in Portland on Saturday. The same group also openly doxxes people on their website.
Numerous people were violently attacked during the rally, with journalist Andy Ngo being treated for brain bleed after he was attacked with milkshakes that contained quick drying cement.
First skirmish I’ve seen. Didn’t see how this started, but @MrAndyNgo got roughed up. pic.twitter.com/hDkfQchRhG
— Jim Ryan (@Jimryan015) June 29, 2019
Two other men were also clubbed with metal poles and maced in the face during the fracas. One of the victims required 25 stitches after suffering deep gashes to his head.
Portland Antifa beats an elderly man bloody with a crowbar. As another man attempts to help, he is hit in head with crowbar then sprayed in face with mace.
This is #AntifaTerrorists
Slowed video down slightly for better visual.
Twitter now hiding the hashtag pic.twitter.com/QgbhWTWR8d
— Priscilla ♀⭐️⭐️⭐️ (@Lucet_Veritas) June 30, 2019
This man, Adam Kelly was attacked in Portland by ANTIFA the domestic terrorist organization pic.twitter.com/xQmzyHIA0b
— Joe Biggs (@Rambobiggs) June 30, 2019
The group responsible for organizing and bragging about this violence, Rose City Antifa, has not been suspended by Facebook or Twitter, with both Big Tech platforms still hosting their content.
In a post on the group’s official Facebook page, they celebrate the “amazing success” of Saturday’s rally and admit to having been behind the milkshake attack on journalist Andy Ngo.
When the Alt Right hands us lemons, we make delicious milkshakes!The J29 demo was an amazing success which is really…
Posted by Rose City Antifa on Monday, July 1, 2019
The group’s Twitter profile, with over 18,000 followers, is still active and tweeting, including a tweet that expresses gratitude for “organizing and getting those tasty milkshakes into your bellies!”
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