Drugs, Gang Members Keep Crossing Border as Rio Grande Sector Faces Record Surge of Illegals

Saturday, April 27, 2019
By Paul Martin

by R. Cort Kirkwood
Friday, 26 April 2019

Chaos at the U.S. border with Mexico continued through the last week, with major arrests through the Easter weekend that included drug smugglers and their deadly wares, “migrant” smugglers and their human cargo, and illegal-alien criminals with plans to continue their careers in crime.

Reports from Customs and Border Protection depict not just a border under siege but an agency whose dedicated employees can’t possibly hold back the surging mass of humanity and what washes in with it.

Border agents seized nearly $3 million in drugs, and the Rio Grande Sector, CBP reported, has apprehended a record number of illegals this fiscal year. The total thus far exceeds all of last year.

The solution? A wall. Where’s the Democrat-controlled Congress? Conspiring in Washington, D.C., to overthrow the president of the United States.

Smugglers, Criminals, Record Numbers
On Tuesday, CBP reported, border agents caught a 20-year-old American trying to smuggle four illegals across the border in a pickup truck. Agents were on a “roving patrol” near Carrizo Springs, Texas, when they saw the driver of the truck do something a little odd, or maybe not, for an illegal-alien smuggler.

Agents watched him “pull over to the side of the road … and load up four suspected undocumented immigrants that ran out of the brush,” the agency reported.

When the agents tried to pull him over, the driver tried to flee. Texas state troopers “disabled one of the vehicle’s tires with a controlled tire deflation device.” The driver and four illegal Mexicans tried to run, but agents caught and arrested them.

Easter Sunday was particularly busy for the Border Patrol.

That night, CBP reported, agents collared a twice-deported Mexican with a rape conviction and sex-offender registration in Ohio. He also had convictions for domestic violence and assault.

Hours later, agents working in Brooks County locked up an illegal Mexican for attempting to skirt around a checkpoint. He has arrests for indecent assault and corruption/endangerment of a child in Pennsylvania.

Border agents also caught a Mexican illegal near Los Ebanos, Texas. His records revealed a previous deportation order, and a conviction for sex trafficking.

On Saturday, the agency reported, agents caught a border-jumping Salvadoran member of the 18th Street gang near Roma. Near Mission, agents caught a Salvadoran MS-13 member with multiple convictions in California, including one for sexual battery.

On Friday, agents apprehended another Salvadoran MS-13 member, this one with a burglary conviction in Minnesota. Friday’s haul also included a Mexican illegal with a conviction in Gwinnett County, Georgia, for possession of a firearm during a commission of a felony/kidnapping.

Drug and Migrant Smugglers
Easter weekend was also another big day in the drug trade.

At the Mariposa border crossing in Arizona, the agency reported, they caught a 22-year-old “Phoenix woman” with 12 pounds of methamphetamine worth $37,000.

The Rest…HERE

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