Sunday, January 27, 2019
By Paul Martin

By Dave Hodges
January 27th, 2019

Meet your new acting President, at least that is what the Russians are saying. She has defeated Trump’s wall, border security and she was even allowed to get away with cancelling the State of the Union Speech. This is unprecedented and it is called a coup.

Recently, I wrote a piece entitled “The Trump Train Is Dead On Arrival“. Briefly I asserted that the Trump administration is dead in the water. He had been defeated by the Deep State and their minion Nancy Pelosi.

Taking the Temperature of the Nation

I told my colleagues that this was a bell-weather article that would gauge the mood of conservatives by how they responded to my assertion that Trump is losing is base and his administration is absolutely paralyzed on key issues. I expected there to be a strong backlash against my conclusions. Although there was the occasional name-calling, about 90% of the people that wrote to me in response to the article, were overwhelmingly in agreement with the facts and the conclusions which arose from the article. Here are examples of both positions.

Angry Trump Supporters

…Hodges is a treasonous bastard, his mother is a whore…his father laid down with .___…

…Mr. Hodges gives the Independent Media a black eye. Trump cares about all of us. At the end of the day, Hodges will be proven wrong… Hodges must be some kind of a transvestite who____…

These people represent some who believe that I have stopped supporting Donald Trump. That is not the case. If election day were today, I would still cast my ballot for Trump. Why? Because he is is the “only girl on this desert Island”. Every other candidate is not your friend and their candidacy (eg Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren) constitutes a real and present danger to the people. How much of a danger? With the arrest of Roger Stone I believe that we are witnessing a landmark event where, as Stone stated himself, Nazi Gestapo tactics are being rolled out by the Deep State. This will culminate in what Obama’s benefactor, Weathermen Underground’s Bill Ayers told former FBI informant, the late Larry Grathwohl, “When we take over, we will have to send 5o million to re-education camps and we will have to do away with, meaning murder, 25 million”. Bill Ayers prediction is being fast-tracked as witnessed by recent events. When we look at the arrest of Stone, it is easy to see where America is at. A man in his 70’s, wanted on a bogus non-violent criminal charge, is swat-teamed at 5AM. This is also a man, because of his age, who probably could not fight his way out of a wet paper bag, was dragged out of his house in leg irons when two agents without handcuffs could’ve arrested him.

Even the State owned media (CNN) was there to film and subsequently intimidate all conservative members of the Independent Media. However, when we get around the inappropriateness and look at content, there are no facts to refute my assertions that Trump is dead in the water and his base is rapidly disintegrating because he has failed to deliver on key issues.

Excerpts From People Jumping Off the Trump Train

This is what some of my readers said about yesterday’s article:

…I knew Trump was Deep State all along…

Mr. Hodges, it took you long enough to see through the facade, Trump is clearly illuminati…

…I know you are correct….they must threatened his family…

…he is going to get assassinated, what would you do?… (this came from a 4 page email)

The Rest…HERE

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