Former Clinton Adviser Mark Penn Warns Conservatives of Silicon Valley’s Mission to Censor Free Speech

Tuesday, August 28, 2018
By Paul Martin

by Jim Hoft
August 27, 2018

Liberal Tech Giants Facebook, Twitter, Google-YouTube and Wikipedia have all stepped up their harassment of conservative publishers since the 2016 election.

The far left and Democrats understand that conservatives get their news from online publishers.

The far left and Democrats understand that conservatives get their news from online publishers.
And they are taking action.

** Twitter is shadowbanning and censoring conservative lawmakers and conservative publishers.

** Wikipedia is controlled by far left editors who are regularly accused of liberal bias.

** YouTube is shutting down conservative pages and demonitizing several others.

And a Gateway Pundit June study of top conservative news outlets found that Facebook has eliminated 93% of traffic to top conservative websites.

The Rest…HERE

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