Cop Convicted Multiple Times for Raping Children and Never Sent to Prison, Strikes Again

Friday, August 24, 2018
By Paul Martin

A California cop and serial child rapist, was allowed to victimize multiple children because the state repeatedly refused to send him to prison.

By Matt Agorist
August 23, 2018

Salinas, CA — Highlighting the sheer lunacy of blue privilege and the broken justice system, a former California Highway patrol officer was found guilty of raping children twice and never went to jail. Now, this predator may finally be sent to prison but only after his third conviction for horrifying crimes against children.

Jacob Mark Duenas, a former Monterey County-based California Highway Patrol officer, was found guilty earlier this month of brutally and repeatedly raping an 8-year-old boy. The abuse happened when Duenas was training to be a law enforcement officer.

Prior to this conviction, Duenas pleaded no contest to multiple charges of molesting two girls, ages 13 and 14, while he worked as a CHP officer. Flexing his blue privilege, after he was found guilty of sexually abusing the girls, Duenas served no time in jail.

Because this pedophile was never locked up, a few years later, he struck again. This time, his victim was a 10-year-old boy. Again, he was arrested, and again, he did not go to jail.

As KSBW reports, at the time of the sentencing, Butte County Deputy District Attorney Matt Taylor told KRCR, “My feelings on the sentencing are summed up in one word: surprised. What makes this case unusual is that you have a psychologist, independently commissioned by the court, who made a finding that Mr. Duenas was a pedophile and a sexual predator. And regardless of that, the judge sentenced Mr. Duenas to probation.”

Now that this monster has been convicted of raping a fourth child, he may finally be locked up.

It is important to point out that serial pedophiles like Duenas may have far more victims than the ones who come forward. Often times pedophiles force their child victims into silence by threatening them with harm if they tell someone. Indeed, Duenas even bragged about this to his aunt.

During the latest trial, Duenas’ aunt testified that Duenas admitted to her that he was “good at” secretly sexually abusing children without others finding out, and that he said, “I have been fighting demons for years.”

According to KSBW, the Gig Harbor victim testified that he was humiliated and scared. His personality changed as he became more angry and isolated himself. He did not tell anyone about what happened to him until years later.

While Duenas is certainly responsible for the horrific abuse of these children, the system which failed to lock him up for the repeated violations is also partially responsible.

We live in a world in which people caught with marijuana, a beneficial plant that literally saves lives, can be sent to jail for decades — while serial child rapists walk free. A travesty indeed.

The Rest…HERE

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