UK Police Chief Admits Failure To Slow Crime-Wave Foretells Future Suffering For Ordinary Citizens

Monday, August 20, 2018
By Paul Martin

by Jon Hall via Free Market Shooter blog,
Mon, 08/20/2018

New head of the U.K. Police Federation John Apter spoke with The Independent, claiming that British citizens are being “failed” due to huge demand, budget cuts, and lack of police resources:

We are moving into an area where some crimes will not be investigated, whereas two to five years ago they were… We can’t do everything – there are going to be situations where we simply can’t deliver the policing we want to deliver.

Apter specified the failure of the police force in regards to public safety didn’t necessarily fall on the shoulders of police on the streets or even the chief constables.

“You can only slice the financial cake so many ways,” Apter detailed, “…the public are already suffering and they are going to suffer more and more.”

Notably, Metropolitan Police announced a new “crime assessment policy” last year which included guidelines for officers on when to stop pursuing investigations.

The new guidelines detailed that crimes involving a loss of under £50 wouldn’t be investigated along with offenses where there wasn’t a “realistic chance officers [would] be able to solve it”.

Among the lower level offenses downgraded by the guidelines were shoplifting, car crimes, and criminal damage.

Even amidst skyrocketing crime rates, police budgets have consistently been cut all across the U.K. in an effort to lower wasteful spending.

Apter admits that excessive spending did occur over his years working for police but says continued slashing of force budgets are the reason why so many issues plague British authorities.

The Rest…HERE

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