Is President Trump Really Going To End The Fed And Usher In A New Gold Standard?

Friday, August 17, 2018
By Paul Martin
August 17, 2018

Recent signs point towards President Trump abolishing the Fed, resetting the debt, and making the dollar honest money again. Here are the details…

Wayne Jett interviewed on Reluctant Preppers

Is President Trump a patsy succumbing to the powers that be, or is he enacting sweeping changes that will end the Federal Reserve, liberate us from over a century of foreign private banker occupation, and usher in an era of gold-backed stable money?

Wayne Jett, author of “The Fruits of Graft, Great Depressions Then and Now,” returns to Reluctant Preppers to declare a blistering and mind expanding assessment of which way we are headed. You do not want to miss this one!

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